๐Ÿ“–[QBCore] Config Files

Please read before purchase to under full functionality of our script

ESX Config
Config = {}

Config.SharedObj = 'qb-core'

--if u don't have jarry in fuel station then as 'weapon_petrolcan' as item or weapon according to ur inventory into any shop
Config.InfinteFuel = false -- no need jarry can to refuel

-- increase in this fuelConsumption will consume fuel faster
-- decrease in this fuelcnsumption value will consume fuel slower
Config.FuelConsumption = 1 -- defult = 1 mean fuel Consumption per mintue 1 from total fuel 100 so 100% filled generator will run 100 mints

Config.PickupAllowed = { -- items can be pickup back if once placed?
    generator = true,
    skimmer = true,
    laptop = true,
    printer = true

Config.JobOnly = false -- work only under job
Config.JobName = 'scammer' -- jobname only work if Config.JobOnly will be true

-- Config.RemoveOnUse = true --means remove item from inventory on use like laptop , printer,generator,skimmer
-- onfig.RemoveOnUse = false --don't remove item from inventory on use like laptop , printer,generator,skimmer
Config.RemoveOnUse = true

Config.Controls = {
    up = 172,  
    down = 173,  
    left = 15,  
    right = 14,  

    place = 38, -- E 
    cancel = 177, -- H
    pickup = 47, -- G

Config.Speed = {
    rotate = 1.5 , -- rotate left right
    move = 0.01 ,  -- move up down

Config.MaxFar = 10.0 -- how much far a player can move object in placement phase

-- qb inventory = 'nui://qb-inventory/html/images/'
-- ox inventory = 'nui://ox_inventory/web/images/'
Config.ImagePath = 'nui://qb-inventory/html/images/' --image path for ox lib context icon please enter ur inventory path correctly

Config.Items = {
    blankcard = 'fs_blankcard',
    laptop = 'fs_laptop',
    skimmer = 'fs_skimmer',
    printer = 'fs_printer',
    generator = 'fs_generator',
    usb = 'fs_usb',
    clonnedcard = 'fs_clonnedcard',
    whiteslip = 'fs_whiteslip',
    stolenCard = 'fs_stolencard',
    forgedcheque = 'fs_forgedcheque'

Config.Shops = {
    [1] = {
        enable = true,
        id = 1, -- don't touch it otherwise it gonna broke
        npc = {model = 'ig_lifeinvad_01', invinsible = true},
        coords = vector4(-657.5576, -854.6655, 24.5075, 3.0106),
        account = 'money', -- money, black_money
        items = {
            { label = 'Printer', name = 'fs_printer', price = 100 }, --will charge player for this item
            { label = 'Generator', name = 'fs_generator', price = 150 }, --will charge player for this item
            { label = 'Laptop',    name = 'fs_laptop',    price = 200}, --will charge player for this item
            --uncoment bottom line if you don't have any fuel can supported script
    --        { label = 'Fuel Can', name = 'WEAPON_PETROLCAN', price = 10 }, --will charge player for this item 
    [2] = {
        enable = true,
        id = 2, -- don't touch it otherwise it gonna broke
        npc = {model = 'a_m_m_farmer_01', invinsible = true},
        coords = vector4(995.6941, -1855.3029, 31.0398, 180.6734),
        account = 'money', -- money, black_money
        items = {
            {label = 'White Slip', name = 'fs_whiteslip', price = 10},--will charge player for this item
    [3] = {
        enable = true,
        id = 3, -- don't touch it otherwise it gonna broke
        npc = {model = 'a_m_m_socenlat_01', invinsible = true},
        coords = vector4(-668.4225, -971.1768, 22.3409, 7.0597),
        account = 'money', -- money, black_money
        items = {
            {label = 'Skimmer', name = 'fs_skimmer', price = 60},--will charge player for this item
            { label = 'Blank Card', name = 'fs_blankcard', price = 10 }, --will charge player for this item
            { label = 'Info Usb', name = 'fs_usb',  price = 40 }, --will charge player for this item
            {label = 'Stolen Credit Card', name = 'fs_stolencard', price = 10},--will charge player for this item
    [4] = {
        enable = true,
        id = 4, -- don't touch it otherwise it gonna broke
        npc = { model = 'u_m_m_bankman', invinsible = true },
        account = 'money', -- money, black_money, marked_bills
        coords = vector4(250.6103, 207.7793, 106.2868, 339.6009),   
        items = { -- don't add any here it will not work
            {label = 'Forged Cheque', name = Config.Items.forgedcheque, price = {min = 1500, max = 2000}},  -- will reward player by taking this item


Config.Atm = {
    command = 'insertcc',
    account = 'black_money', --money,black_money,marked_bills
    amount = {min = 1500, max = 2000}, -- player will get random amount of money
    models = { 'prop_atm_02', 'prop_atm_01', 'prop_fleeca_atm', 'prop_atm_03' },
    extras = { cheque = true, price = { min = 1500, max = 2000 } },   

Config.delay = {
    atm = 10 * 1000, -- 60 seconds delay when u insert card then after 60 seconds u will get money
    banker = 10 * 1000, -- 60 seconds delay when u give cheque to banker and after 60 seconds u will get money

Last updated


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