๐ŸงพExports / Functions

Resource Integrations guide with other resources.

Client Export:

If you want to place item using your own script or in any menu then you this export

-- make sure you configured the prop under that item in config filer

--to place one item only
TriggerEvent('fs_placeables:placeitemhook', item_name)

--item_name = item spawn code should be a string

TriggerEvent('fs_placeables:placeitemhook', 'water')

--to place specific number of count
TriggerEvent('fs_placeables:placeitemhook', item_name, item_count)

-- item_name = item spawn code must be a string
-- item_count = quantity of item must be a number

TriggerEvent('fs_placeables:placeitemhook', 'water', 1)

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