๐Ÿ“–[ESX] Config Files

Please read before purchase to under full functionality of our script

ESX Config
Config = {};

local seconds = 1000

Config.Switch = {
	removecommand = "r_switch",
	swap = {
		dict = "missmic4",
		anim = "michael_tux_fidget",
		duration = 5 * seconds

Config.Switches = {
	['fs_switch'] 		= 	{ limitedUse = { enable = false	, count = 1 } },
    ['fs_redswitch'] 	= 	{ limitedUse = { enable = false	, count = 1 } },
	['fs_blueswitch'] 	= 	{ limitedUse = { enable = true	, count = 2 } },
	['fs_greenswitch'] 	= 	{ limitedUse = { enable = true	, count = 3 } },
	-- add more custom switch here

Config.Weapons = {
		['without_switch'] 	= "WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL",
		['with_switch'] 	= "WEAPON_APPISTOL"
		['without_switch'] 	= "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE",
		['with_switch'] 	= "WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE"
	-- add more custom weapons here

Last updated


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