These all function you can override according to your need if you want
Boss Menu:
To Override Boss Menu system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument job:string
Override.OpenBossMenu = function(job)
-- esx/qb already configured but if u want to use any custom please write down
-- exmaple code
Open Stash:
To Override Stash system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument name:string
--@argument label:string
--@argument slots:number
--@argument weight:number
Override.OpenStash = function(argument)
local name =
local label = argument.label
local slots = argument.slots
local weight = argument.weight
-- write down your code
-- exmaple code
exports['qs-inventory']:RegisterStash(name, slots , weight)
Request Model:
To Override Request Model system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument model:number:valid hash of model
--@argument timeout:number: in miliseconds
--@return value: boolean : true/false
Override.RequestModel = function(model, timeout)
-- write your own code here
-- example code
local status = lib.requestModel(model, timeout)
return status
Request Anim Dict:
To Override Request Anim Dict system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument dict:string:valid dict of aniamtion
--@argument timeout:number: in miliseconds
--@return value: boolean : true/false
Override.RequestAnimDict = function(dict, timeout)
-- write your own code here
-- example code
local status = lib.requestAnimDict(dict, timeout)
return status
To Override Notification system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument title:string
--@argument description:string
--@argument time:miliseconds
--@argument type:string: 'inform'/'error'/'success'
--@argument icon:string: 'fontawesome' free icon
Override.Notification = function(argument)
local title = argument.title
local description = argument.description
local duration = argument.duration
local type = argument.type
local icon = argument.icon
-- we already configured ox lib as default notification system
-- bottom is example code
if type == 'inform' then type = 'info end
exports['okokNotify']:Alert(title, description, duration, type, true)
Add Hunger:
To Override AddHunger system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument value:number range = 1 to 100
-- value here is a kind of percetange from 1 to 100 any vlaue
Override.AddHunger = function(value)
-- example code
TriggerEvent("esx_status:add", "hunger", value * 10000)
Remove Hunger:
To Override RemoveHunger system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument value:number range = 1 to 100
-- value here is a kind of percetange from 1 to 100 any vlaue
Override.RemoveHunger = function(value)
-- example code
TriggerEvent("esx_status:remove", "hunger", value * 10000)
Add Thirst:
To Override AddThirst system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument value:number range = 1 to 100
-- value here is a kind of percetange from 1 to 100 any vlaue
Override.AddThirst = function(value)
-- example code
TriggerEvent("esx_status:add", "thirst", value * 10000)
Remove Thirst:
To Override RemoveThirst system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument value:number range = 1 to 100
-- value here is a kind of percetange from 1 to 100 any vlaue
Override.RemoveThirst = function(value)
-- example code
TriggerEvent("esx_status:add", "thirst", value * 10000)
Add Stress:
To Override AddStress system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument value:number range = 1 to 100
-- value here is a kind of percetange from 1 to 100 any vlaue
Override.AddStress = function(value)
-- example code
TriggerEvent("esx_status:add", "stress", value * 10000)
Remove Stress:
To Override RemoveStress system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument value:number range = 1 to 100
-- value here is a kind of percetange from 1 to 100 any vlaue
Override.RemoveStress = function(value)
-- example code
TriggerEvent("esx_status:remove", "stress", value * 10000)
Add Armour:
To Override AddArmour system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument value:number range = 1 to 100
-- value here is a kind of percetange from 1 to 100 any vlaue
Override.AddArmour = function(value)
-- example code
if not value then value = 40 end
SetPedArmor(PlayerPedId(), value)
Remove Armour:
To Override RemoveArmour system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument value:number range = 1 to 100
-- value here is a kind of percetange from 1 to 100 any vlaue
Override.RemoveArmour = function(value)
-- example code
if not value then value = 40 end
SetPedArmour(PlayerPedId(), value)
Show Textui:
To Override ShowTextUi system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument text:string
--@argument options:table
--@options position:'right-center'/'left-center'/'top-center'/'bottom-center'
--@options icon: string
--@options can have all ox lib textui options
Override.ShowTextUi = function(text, options)
-- example code
exports['okokTextUI']:Open(text, 'lightblue', 'right', true)
Hide Textui:
To Override HideTextUi system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
Override.HideTextUi = function()
-- example code
Give Car Keys Player:
To Override GiveCarKeyPlayer system Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument vehicle:number:vehicle handle
Override.GiveCarKeyPlayer = function(vehicle)
--example code
local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)
Remove Car Keys Player:
To Override RemoveCarKeyPlayer Please copy this below code in fs_bridge/unlocked/client.lua
--@argument vehicle:number:vehicle handle
Override.RemoveCarKeyPlayer = function(vehicle)
--example code
local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)