[ESX/QB] Config
follow the following steps:
Config = {}
Config.Locale = "en"
Config.framework_core = { esx = 'es_extended', qb = 'qb-core' }
Config.core_functions = {
player_loaded = { esx = 'esx:playerLoaded', qb = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded' },
player_unloaded = { esx = 'esx:onPlayerLogout', qb = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerUnload' },
player_updatejob = { esx = 'esx:setJob', qb = 'QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate'}
Config.format = {
currency = 'USD', -- This is the format of the currency, so that your currency sign appears correctly
location = 'en-US' -- This is the location of your country, to format the decimal places according to your standard
Config.Bill = {
enable = true,
keybind = 'F6'
Config.AdminCommand = { -- /pizzashop is command to open admin menu to refill
Groups = {
['admin'] = true,
['god'] = true,
Identifier = {
['discord:628640109897711636'] = true, -- discord id u can get from txadmin from players
['license:1c17a180cdad995771fea75248f0ed95569b9e6a'] = true, --any lic id u can get from txadmin
['AJK40853'] = true, --qbcore citizen id from players table
['char1:1c17a180cdad995771fea75248f0ed95569b9e6a'] = true, -- esx identifier from users table
-- you add more
--add this in server cfg
--add_ace license:1c17a180cdad995771fea75248f0ed95569b9e6a "pizzashop" allow #Capy
Config.Default = {
stock = 300,
price = 500
Config.Shop = { -- job name
blip = {enable = true, name = 'Pizza Shop', sprite = 267, color = 31, size = 1.0, radius = 0.0, radius_color = 4},
boss_action = vector3(-1385.1554, -908.9008, 11.2301 ),
management = vector3(-1381.0981, -921.9841, 11.2497),
managementRankFor = {
price = 2,
stock = 2,
crafting = {
menu = vector3(-1378.8514, -919.2130, 11.2493),
data = {
['fs_d_buffalo_chicken'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
-- botom commented lines are example of if you want to override animation or scenario
-- {pos = vector4(-785.6154, -613.6817, 30.2791, 94.3735), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' }}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- {pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_cali_chicken_bacon'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_honolulu_hawaiian'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_meat_zza'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_memphis_bbq_chicken'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_pacific_veggie'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_philly_cheese_steak'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_pizza_deluxe'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_spinach_feta'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_ultimate_pepperoni'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_wisconsin_cheese'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_chicken_bacon_ranch'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1376.4630, -921.6383, 11.2496, 225.8771), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {scenario = 'prop_human_bbq'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_chicken_parm'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1376.4630, -921.6383, 11.2496, 225.8771), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {scenario = 'prop_human_bbq'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_chicken_habanero'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1376.4630, -921.6383, 11.2496, 225.8771), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {scenario = 'prop_human_bbq'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_italian_sandwich'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1376.4630, -921.6383, 11.2496, 225.8771), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {scenario = 'prop_human_bbq'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_mediterranean_veggie'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1376.4630, -921.6383, 11.2496, 225.8771), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {scenario = 'prop_human_bbq'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_philly_cheese_sandwich'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1376.4630, -921.6383, 11.2496, 225.8771), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {scenario = 'prop_human_bbq'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_chicken_carbonara'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_italian_sausage_marinara'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_p_chicken_alfredo'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...' , anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_pasta_primavera'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1374.7096, -919.9312, 11.2481, 318.9742), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = {dict = 'random@shop_tattoo', clip = '_idle_a'}}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_coca_cola'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1378.2283, -924.5917, 11.2496, 305.0302), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...'}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_dr_pepper'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1378.2283, -924.5917, 11.2496, 305.0302), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...'}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_fanta_orange'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1378.2283, -924.5917, 11.2496, 305.0302), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...'}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_fruit_punch'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1378.2283, -924.5917, 11.2496, 305.0302), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...'}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
['fs_d_sprite'] = { -- reward item name
reward = 1, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
--{item = 'gold_bar', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'fs_chain', quantity = 1, willremove = true},
--{item = 'white_stone', quantity = 25, willremove = true},
steps = {
{pos = vector4(-1378.2283, -924.5917, 11.2496, 305.0302), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...'}, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
storage = {
pos = vector4(-1380.6342, -916.6299, 11.2487, 130.9650), -- x, y, z, heading
prop = nil,
items = {
-- diamond = {
-- name = 'Diamond', -- item name
-- price = 10, -- price of the item. set it 0 if you don't want to buy with society money
-- slots = 20, -- container size
-- available = 20, -- available in stock
-- regeneration = 1, -- in minute
-- },
sell_coords = { -- The coordinates where customes will buy things on this store (coordinates composed of x, y, z)
vector3(-1384.1284, -921.3237, 11.2646),
vector3(-1382.1570, -923.7496, 11.2578),
vector3(-1380.3414, -925.8734, 11.2518),
data = {
market_items = { -- Here you configure the items definitions
['fs_d_buffalo_chicken'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Buffalo Chicken", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_cali_chicken_bacon'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Cali Chicken Bacon", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_extra_vagan_zza'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Extra Vagan", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_honolulu_hawaiian'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Honolulu Hawaiian", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_meat_zza'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Meat Zza", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_memphis_bbq_chicken'] = { -- The item ID
name = "BBQ Chicken", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_pacific_veggie'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Pacific Veggie", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_philly_cheese_steak'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Philly Cheese", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_pizza_deluxe'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Pizza Deluxe", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_spinach_feta'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Spinach Feta", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_ultimate_pepperoni'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Ultimate Pepperoni", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_wisconsin_cheese'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Wisconsin Cheese", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_chicken_bacon_ranch'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Bacon Ranch", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_chicken_habanero'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Chicken Habanero", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_chicken_parm'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Chicken Parm", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_italian_sandwich'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Italian Sandwich", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_mediterranean_veggie'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Mediterranean Veggie", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_philly_cheese_sandwich'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Cheese Sandwich", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_chicken_carbonara'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Chicken Carbonara", -- The item display name
page = 2, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_italian_sausage_marinara'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Italian Marinara", -- The item display name
page = 2, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_p_chicken_alfredo'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Chicken Alfredo", -- The item display name
page = 2, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_pasta_primavera'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Pasta Promavera", -- The item display name
page = 2, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_coca_cola'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Coca Cola", -- The item display name
page = 3, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_dr_pepper'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Dr Pepper", -- The item display name
page = 3, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_fanta_orange'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Fanta", -- The item display name
page = 3, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_fruit_punch'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Fruit Punch", -- The item display name
page = 3, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
['fs_d_sprite'] = { -- The item ID
name = "Sprite", -- The item display name
page = 3, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
pagination = { -- Create pages to your market items (max 10 pages)
[0] = {name = "Pizza", icon = "fa-solid fa-pizza-slice"},
[1] = {name = "Burger", icon = "fa-solid fa-burger"},
[2] = {name = "Pasta", icon = "fa-solid fa-bowl-rice"},
[3] = {name = "Drinks", icon = "fa-solid fa-glass-water"},
Last updated