1. Download your resource from FiveM's Keymaster.
2. Unzip fs_placeables.zip folder and place it into your resource folder.
2 - Items
-- incase u want to use button on item using right click on item
-- button we only supported with ox_inventory currently soon we will
-- add support for more inventories
lockpick = {
label = "Lockpick",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "This is description.",
buttons = {
label = "Place on Ground",
action = function(slot)
TriggerServerEvent("fs_placeables:placeonground", "lockpick");
if you are using any other inventory then simply enable menu in config and use that menu to place item on ground anywhere even on vehicles back etc
3 - Configuration
* You must go through all configuration options & settings in shared/config.lua
* For Multiple Items like if a item need multiple placeable prop in bundles then you can configure config like this.
Config.Items = {
['water'] = {
[number of items] = 'prop that will be used to place these items'
[1] = `h4_prop_battle_lights_floor_l_b`,
[2] = `h3_prop_battle_lights_floor_l_b`,
-- add more items here
you can add as many as props you want with numbeer of certain items
4 - Is Items stay after restart?
No Items don't stay after restrat due to better performance or player spam we currently don't provide persitent items placeable option
5 - Ready
Congratulations, you've successfully installed the resource. Restart the server and you will be all set.