📖[ESX] Config Files
Please read before purchase to under full functionality of our script
ESX Config
Config = Config or {}
Config.framework_core = { esx = 'es_extended', qb = 'qb-core'}
Config.Debug = false -- to enable extra information help in fixing errors
Config.DeletePermanent = false -- on choping player owned vehicle it will be permanently removed from player data
Config.AnimTime = 5 --in seconds -- animation time of removing parts in seconds
Config.Price = {
door = 20, --price for each door part
bonnet = 10, -- price for each bonnet part
boot = 15, --price for boot part
vehicle = 1500 --price for vehicle purchased by alan
Config.items = {
door = 'fs_door',
bonnet = 'fs_bonnet',
boot = 'fs_boot'
-- true means blacklist and cannot be scrapped
Config.blacklistmodels = {
['t20'] = false,
['blista'] = false,
['bifta'] = false,
Config.DispatchJobs = {
['police'] = true,
['sheriff'] = true,
['statepolice'] = true,
-- true means blacklist and cannot be scrapped
Config.blacklistClasses = {
[0] = false, --Compacts
[1] = false, --Sedans
[2] = false, --SUVs
[3] = false, --Coupes
[4] = false, --Muscle
[5] = false, --Sports Classics
[6] = false, --Sports
[7] = false, --Super
[8] = false, --Motorcycles
[9] = false, --Off-road
[10] = false, --Industrial
[11] = false, --Utility
[12] = false, --Vans
[13] = false, --Cycles
[14] = false, --Boats
[15] = false, --Helicopters
[16] = false, --Planes
[17] = false, --Service
[18] = false, --Emergency
[19] = false, --Military
[20] = false, --Commercial
[21] = false, --Trains
[22] = false, --Open Wheel
-- true means blacklist and cannot be scrapped
Config.blacklistplates = {
['police'] = true,
['admincar'] = false,
['ambulance'] = true,
Config.Stations = {
[1] = {
Blip = { enable = true, coords = vector3(-425.2820, -1688.6230, 19.0219 ), title = 'Scaper Chop Shop', id = 527, color = 31, scale = 0.7 },
Allowed = { npcvehicles = true, playervehicles = true, alert_police = true },
need_job = {
enable = true, -- to disbale this option u can false it
jobname = { -- any of sitation meet will allow player to start choping
['police'] = 1, -- ['jobname'] = active_player_count_needed
['sheriff'] = 1,
}, --if mininum number of this job member needed to scrap
ScapPoints = { -- configuration points
startpoint = vector3(-425.2820, -1688.6230, 19.0219 ) , --starting process on vehicle at this point
doordrop = vector3(-416.4831, -1677.1935, 19.0291 ), --store door
bootdrop = vector3(-419.5987, -1676.0206, 19.0291 ), --store boot
bonnetdrop = vector3(-423.6266, -1674.7255, 19.0292 ), --store bonnets
SellScap = vector3(-413.2837, -1679.3021, 19.0291 ), -- collect or sell scap that store in door boot or bonnets
sellSiemon = vector3(-429.2665, -1686.2042, 19.0291 ), -- point where to call Ped to take vehicle
SiemonSpawn = vector3(-433.3221, -1673.4714, 19.0291 ), --ped spawn location that will take vehicle and run away
--if only job player can do then uncomment bottom
Job = {enable = false, name = 'scraper', boss = vector3(-426.3301, -1670.7089, 19.0291 )} ---this is optional
-- exports['fs_chopshop']:addplateblacklist(GetVehiclePlateType(vehicle))
Last updated