[QBCore] Config Files
Please read before purchase to under full functionality of our script
ESX Config
Config = Config or {}
Config.framework_core = { esx = 'es_extended', qb = 'qb-core' }
Config.wigsrob = {
enable = true,
handusp_needed = true,
command = 'robwig',
key = 'h'
Config.remove_own_wig = {
enable = true,
command = 'removewig'
Config.Table = {
Item = 'wigtable',
Prop = 'fs_prop_table_queens',
anim = { dict = 'mp_arresting', clip = 'a_uncuff' },
craftTime = 6, -- 6 seconds
--- Warning! its a beta feature currently please disable if you fond any issue
Config.Phone = {
-- use_server_traffic = true means script will try to use any already spawned ped if near to u any if not found then will spawn ped
-- use_server_traffic = false means script will spawn ped directly without trying to check near by peds
use_server_traffic = true,
npc_spawn_on_safe_distance = true, -- its a beta feature it will spawn ped everytime on footpath or on safe distance if u make it false then ped wil spawn accurate according to Config.Offsets
hint_text = { -- all ways can be enable and but pelase make atleast anyone true
draw3d = true, --for 3d text u can be modified in unlocked files
draw2d = true, -- for 2d text can be modified in unlocked files
Config.Selling = {
item = {
enable = true,
item = { name = 'wigphone', limit = true, max_sell_count = 2 }
command = {
enable = true,
command = { name = 'wigsell' }
limit_check_command = {
enable = true,
command = { name = 'wigphonelimit' }
Config.NonWig = { -- non wig numbers will be use when someone rob or removing old wig and putting new wig
male = {
hair_1 = 0, --style number for apperance menus
hair_2 = 0, --only needed if you are using esx_skin
hair_color_1 = 0, -- color number for apperance menus
hair_color_2 = 0 --this is highlight number for apperance menus
female = {
hair_1 = 83, --style number for apperance menus
hair_2 = 0, --only needed if you are using esx_skin
hair_color_1 = 0, -- color number for apperance menus
hair_color_2 = 0 --this is highlight number for apperance menus
--=========================================SHOP Config=========================================--
Config.format = {
currency = 'USD', -- This is the format of the currency, so that your currency sign appears correctly
location =
'en-US' -- This is the location of your country, to format the decimal places according to your standard
Config.Bill = {
enable = true,
keybind = 'F6'
Config.AutoRefill = {
enable = true,
quantity = 2, -- how much quantitiy refill every 2 mint
Config.AdminCommand = { -- /fs_wigsbundles is command to open admin menu to refill
Groups = {
['admin'] = true,
['god'] = true,
Identifier = {
['discord:628640109897711636'] = true, -- discord id u can get from txadmin from players
['license:1c17a180cdad995771fea75248f0ed95569b9e6a'] = true, --any lic id u can get from txadmin
['AJK40853'] = true, --qbcore citizen id from players table
['char1:1c17a180cdad995771fea75248f0ed95569b9e6a'] = true, -- esx identifier from users table
-- you add more
--add this in server cfg
--add_ace license:1c17a180cdad995771fea75248f0ed95569b9e6a "fs_wigsbundles" allow #Capy
Ace = 'fs_wigsbundles'
Config.Default = {
stock = 300,
price = 500
Config.Shop = {
blip = { enable = true, name = 'Wigs Shop', sprite = 71, color = 8, size = 1.0, radius = 0.0, radius_color = 4 },
boss_action = vector3(117.2508, -214.2887, 54.5879),
management = vector3(120.1331, -208.9287, 54.5879),
managementRankFor = {
price = 2,
stock = 2,
crafting = {
menu = vector3(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882),
data = {
spotlight_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 40, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
chulita_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 40, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
classy_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 20, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
fiesta_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
diva_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
sweetheart_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
moviestar_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
brooke_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
jenna_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
princess_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
luvme_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
owntheroom_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
icon_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
mirage_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
luxury_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
mila_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
star_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
flirt_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
ignite_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
risk_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
crowdpleaser_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
upstage_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
bossbabe_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
play_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
luvme_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
bonita_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
reyna_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
goddess_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
babygirl_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
luna_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
prettyplease_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
wavebabe_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
sparkle_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
---- Male Wigs
m_backstage_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_blake_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_boss_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_bravo_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_edge_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_freshbraids_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_ghant_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_highfashion_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_jasper_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_knockout_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_rockstar_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_star_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_wavy_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_weekend_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
m_wildchild_wig = { -- reward item name
reward = 20, -- reward item amount
required = { -- required items for crafting
{ item = 'wigcap', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'sewinkit', quantity = 1, willremove = true },
{ item = 'hairbundles', quantity = 10, willremove = true },
steps = {
--{ pos = vector4(-783.9978, -611.5065, 30.2791, 317.2552), delay = 10, msg = 'Working...', anim = { scenario = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ' } }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
-- { pos = vector4(116.4940, -215.1384, 54.5880, 229.3151), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...', anim = { dict = 'timetable@tracy@ig_5@idle_a', clip = 'idle_a' } },
{ pos = vector4(107.9262, -211.2260, 54.5882, 162.3454), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' }, -- x, y, z, heading, second, message
{ pos = vector4(110.9501, -212.3490, 54.5879, 166.5708), delay = 5, msg = 'Working...' },
storage = {
pos = vector4(115.6470, -214.6580, 54.5879, 89.7745), -- x, y, z, heading
prop = nil,
items = {
wigtable = {
name = 'wigtable', -- item name
price = 10, -- price of the item. set it 0 if you don't want to buy with society money
slots = 20, -- container size
available = 20, -- available in stock
regeneration = 1, -- in minute
sewinkit = {
name = 'sewinkit', -- item name
price = 10, -- price of the item. set it 0 if you don't want to buy with society money
slots = 20, -- container size
available = 20, -- available in stock
regeneration = 1, -- in minute
wigcap = {
name = 'wigcap', -- item name
price = 10, -- price of the item. set it 0 if you don't want to buy with society money
slots = 20, -- container size
available = 20, -- available in stock
regeneration = 1, -- in minute
hairbundles = {
name = 'hairbundles', -- item name
price = 10, -- price of the item. set it 0 if you don't want to buy with society money
slots = 20, -- container size
available = 20, -- available in stock
regeneration = 1, -- in minute
sell_coords = { -- The coordinates where customes will buy things on this store (coordinates composed of x, y, z)
vector3(118.3519, -207.1002, 54.5877),
data = {
market_items = { -- Here you configure the items definitions
spotlight_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Spotlight Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 0, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 },
-- male = { hair_1 = 16, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 5 },
whitelist = { -- if you don't want whitelist please remove whole whitelist brackets or check docs
jobs = {
['police'] = 0,
-- you can add more here
identifier = {
['discord:628640109897711636'] = true,
['char1:703b1abbb142ea1702d7c7b1c6f3510e913ab4ed'] = true,
-- you can add more here
chulita_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Chulita Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 1, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 },
classy_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "classy Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 2, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
fiesta_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Fiesta Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 3, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
diva_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Diva Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 4, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
sweetHeart_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "SweetHeart Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 5, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
movieStar_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Mirage Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 6, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
brooke_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Brooke Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 7, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
jenna_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Wig 5", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 8, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
princess_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Princess Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 9, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
luvme_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Luvme Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 10, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
ownTheRoom_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Own The Room Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 11, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
icon_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Icon Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 12, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
mirage_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Mirage Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 13, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
luxury_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Luxury Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 14, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
mila_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Mila Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 15, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
star_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Star Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 16, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
flirt_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Flirt Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 17, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
ignite_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Ignite Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 18, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
risk_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Risk Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 19, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
crowdPleaser_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Crowd Pleaser Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 20, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
upstage_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Upstage Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 21, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
bossBabe_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Boss Babe Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 22, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
shortWaves_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Short Waves Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 23, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
play_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Play Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 24, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
luvme_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Luvme Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 25, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
bonita_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Bonita Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 26, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
reyna_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Reyna Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 27, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
goddess_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Goddess Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 44, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
babygirl_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Babygirl wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 45, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
luna_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Luna Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 46, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
prettyPlease_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Pretty Please Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 47, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
waveBabe_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Wave Babe Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 48, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
sparkle_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Sparkle Wig", -- The item display name
page = 0, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
female = { hair_1 = 56, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
-- Male Wigs
m_rockstar_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Rockstar Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 1, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_star_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Star Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 2, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_backstage_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Backstage Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 3, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_wavy_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Wavy Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 4, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_bravo_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Bravo Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 5, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_ghant_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Ghant Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 6, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_boss_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Boss Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 7, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_knockout_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Knockout Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 8, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_highfashion_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "HIgh Fashion Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 9, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_jasper_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Jasper Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 10, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_edge_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Edge Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 11, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_freshbraids_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Fresh braids Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 12, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_blake_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Blake Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 13, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_wildchild_wid = { -- The item ID
name = "Wild Child Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 14, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
m_weekend_wig = { -- The item ID
name = "Weekend Wig", -- The item display name
page = 1, -- Set on which page this item will appear
process = true,
item_data = {
single_sell = {
price = { min = 1, max = 10 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 10 },
delivery = {
price = { min = 1, max = 20 },
quantity = { min = 1, max = 40 }
male = { hair_1 = 15, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 1, hair_color_2 = 1 }
pagination = { -- Create pages to your market items (max 10 pages)
[0] = { name = "Female Wigs", icon = "fa-solid fa-person-dress" },
[1] = { name = "Male Wigs", icon = "fa-solid fa-person" },
--[2] = {name = "Earrings", icon = 'fa-assistive-listening-systems'},
--[3] = {name = "Watches", icon = 'fa-clock'},
--[4] = {name = "Breshlet", icon = 'fa-hand-sparkles'},
Config.Peds = {
Config.Offset = {
[1] = { x = 0.0, y = 15.0 },
[2] = { x = 0.0, y = -15.0 },
[3] = { x = 15.0, y = 0.0 },
[4] = { x = -15.0, y = 0.0 },
[5] = { x = 15.0, y = 15.0 },
[6] = { x = -15.0, y = 15.0 },
[7] = { x = 15.0, y = -15.0 },
[8] = { x = -15.0, y = -15.0 },
[9] = { x = 0.0, y = 25.0 },
[10] = { x = 0.0, y = -25.0 },
[11] = { x = 25.0, y = 0.0 },
[12] = { x = -25.0, y = 0.0 },
[13] = { x = 25.0, y = 25.0 },
[14] = { x = -25.0, y = 25.0 },
[15] = { x = 25.0, y = -25.0 },
[16] = { x = -25.0, y = -25.0 },
[17] = { x = 0.0, y = 20.0 },
[18] = { x = 0.0, y = -20.0 },
[19] = { x = 20.0, y = 0.0 },
[20] = { x = -20.0, y = 0.0 },
[21] = { x = 20.0, y = 20.0 },
[22] = { x = -20.0, y = 20.0 },
[23] = { x = 20.0, y = -20.0 },
[24] = { x = -20.0, y = -20.0 }
Config.ClientBlip = {
enable = true,
title = 'Client',
sprite = 286,
color = 5,
scale = 0.7,
shortrange = true,
Config.Client_Marker = true -- this only for delivery if somehow ped deleted in you server then u can use this
Config.ProgressBar = {
text = {
duration = 3000,
position = 'bottom', -- 'middle' , 'bottom'
anim = {
dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@peds@',
clip = 'amb_world_human_stand_mobile_male_text_idle_b',
prop = {
bone = 28422,
model = `fs_wig_prop_phone`,
pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
call = {
duration = 5000,
position = 'bottom', -- 'middle' , 'bottom'
anim = {
dict = 'cellphone@',
clip = 'cellphone_call_listen_base',
prop = {
bone = 28422,
model = `fs_wig_prop_phone`,
pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Config.contacts = {
[1] = { name = 'Capy', number = '+925464631131' },
[2] = { name = 'AJ', number = '+925464631131' },
[3] = { name = 'Unknown', number = '+925464631131' },
[4] = { name = 'Important', number = '+925464631131' },
[5] = { name = 'No Name', number = '+925464631131' },
Config.ClothingMenu = {
-- recommened to make it true but incase in Config.Debug in F8 you don't see correct name of clothing menu then make it false and writing clothing name bottom
auto_detect = true,
-- manual_input only work if auto_detect = false
manual_input =
'fivem-appearance' -- can be 'fivem-appearance' or 'onex-creation' or 'illenium-appearance' or 'qb-clothing' or 'skinchanger'
Config.Delivery_Points = {
vec4(-1290.3215, -1114.5903, 6.6973, 92.5429),
vec4(129.7182, -1711.3661, 29.2810, 140.3514),
vec4(-826.0231, -184.9205, 37.6526, 124.6896),
vec4(1204.5125, -467.7823, 66.3236, 78.0758),
Config.Delivery = {
-- sell_multiple_items means player need atleast any of two wigs maximum or more amount that written in upper in with each item {in other words npc always in delivery will demand 2 different items}
sell_multiple_items = 2, -- Warning! please read above line before editing it its important to stop spam of delivery job in server so that everyone cannot trigger delivery untill he has atleast this amount of different items
Config.ForceDeletePed = false --make it true only if after sell npc is stuck at same point like happeneing in nyc or chicago maps
Last updated