📖[ESX] Config Files
Please read before purchase to under full functionality of our script
ESX Config
Config = {}
Config.target = false -- incase of false you will see 3dtext when go near to prop
Config.Menu = { -- use menu to place inventory item as prop /
-- if you enable true or false in both cause you can use export to place prop from inventory or from any other script
enable = true,
command = 'placeprop',
key = 'F9',
-- qb inventory = 'nui://qb-inventory/html/images/'
-- ox inventory = 'nui://ox_inventory/web/images/'
ImagePath =
'nui://ox_inventory/web/images/' --image path for ox lib context icon please enter ur inventory path correctly
-- Font used for the 3d text
Config.textFont = 4
-- Scale used for the 3d text
Config.textScale = 1.0
Config.Controls = {
up = 172,
down = 173,
left = 15,
right = 14,
place = 38, -- E
cancel = 177, -- H
pickup = 47, -- G
Config.Speed = {
rotate = 1.5, -- rotate left right
move = 0.01, -- move up down
Config.MaxFar = 5.0 -- max far can be a player place object from its current location at the time of placeable
Config.ContinuePlacing = true -- continue placing items if player has more quanitty
-- incase any food using more then 1 prop then script will place top first prop as placeable prop
Config.defaultprop = `prop_cs_cardbox_01` -- if u want to change this please rename prop name to avoid errors
Config.PropAplha = 100 -- make it 0 if u want don't want color round prop
-- Whether or not to disable item stacking (placing items on top of other items)
Config.disallowItemStacking = false
-- for any fs food bussiness you don't have to make anything placeable support is added by default
Config.Items = {
-- ['water'] = {
-- [1] = `h4_prop_battle_lights_floor_l_b`,
-- },
-- ['burger'] = {
-- [1] = `prop_cs_burger_01`,
-- },
-- ['cola'] = {
-- [1] = `prop_ecola_can`,
-- },
-- ['weed_block'] = {
-- [1] = `prop_weed_block_01`,
-- },
-- ['cone'] = {
-- [1] = `prop_roadcone01b`,
-- },
-- ['cylinder'] = {
-- [1] = `prop_gascyl_01a`,
-- },
-- ['money'] = {
-- [1000] = `prop_cash_pile_01`,
-- [10000] = `prop_money_bag_01`,
-- [1000000] = `prop_cash_case_01`,
-- },
-- ['case_1'] = {
-- [1] = `prop_idol_case`,
-- },
-- ['barrier'] = {
-- [1] = `prop_barrier_work01b`,
-- },
--add items here if you want any item placeable
Last updated